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Home ยป Will You Survive or Thrive in Twenty Twenty Five?

Will You Survive or Thrive in Twenty Twenty Five?

I have a problem with New Year.

Why should we get excited about the possibility of a new year when every day brings so much promise? I believe that we shouldn’t wait until a new year to start making a change.

Every day brings us an opportunity to change.

I came back to work today. Sitting here in my little office, by myself, I’ve felt a little disconnected from everything.

But this at least has given me an opportunity to think.

I cleaned off the whiteboard and I wrote some words down. And these words mean that you can too start this year in the way you wish to go on.

You can make it better than last year by doing a few things for yourself.

Simple Things Make a Big Difference

When we come back to work, we should not rush. We should take our time. Look at what has gone before and try to decide what is important.

For me the following things are important.

  • Sharing stories
  • Reflecting on what has happened before and how I felt.
  • Seeking support if I need it.
  • Ensuring that I’m on top of what’s happening in my career. I decide.
  • Reading books – any books.
  • Writing it out.
  • Giving voice to those thoughts and hearing how they sound.

This gives me:

  • A better view of who I am.
  • Allows me to know what I like and what I don’t like and to tell others what I expect from them and what they can expect from me.
  • Being more comfortable where I work.
  • Enjoying it more.
  • Feeling more fulfilled.

As you step into 2025, what would you define as the most important things you need to order to thrive in your work?