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Managing Your Time & Managing Tasks

What would you do if you had more insights into your business processes and could automate more of your tasks? Would you feel freed up or is there a huge list of things waiting on your backlog for you to do?

How do you differentiate between the tasks that you have on your list? Do you give them a ‘weighting’ of importance? Do their priorities changes during the day or during the course of a week?

How can you best manage your time and tasks? How would you apply that (or how do you apply that) to the other’s that you work with?

This week I’m going talk about systems that helps us manage our time and priorities.

I’ll start with sharing what I’m using right now. Since I finished working for my last client I’m off the Outlook treadmill of agendas and emails. That is a blessed relief, and now I’m trying hard to work from a single Google calendar. This makes my life so much simpler.

While I’ve tried Asana in the past for simple project management, it got a bit out of hand for me and I found it overly complex. I have recently tried ticktick though, and I find myself liking it. It’s pretty simple and can handle recurring tasks very easily, integrates nicely with Google Single Sign On.

But what happens when we want to get slightly more complicated and manage delivery of work through tools? Over the next few days I’m going to pick out some common elements of project management tools and give you an overview from a functional perspective.

What are the keys things you need to look for in a good project management tool? And how does that help with making our products more successful?

What are your favourite and least favourite project management tools? Let me know!

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